2. Click on new campaigns.
3. Select the goal that would make this campaign successful to you.
4. For example, we have focused upon website traffic
5. Our first focus upon Search Engine adds.
Now follow these steps:
Now follow these steps:
1. Types of Adds

2. Targeting and Audiences
All countries and states/territories
3. Audiences
4.Audiences targeting setting for this campaign
5. Budget and bidding
Budget INR 500
Bidding INR 2.0
6. Set up ad groups
Type: Standard (You can also go for Dynamic)
Golden Triangle India (1 K- 10 K)
Golden Triangle Tour India (1600)
India Travel(6.6 K)
7. Create Ads:
Final Link: https://www.travedatour.com(enter your site link)
Headline 1
Golden Triangle India (Enter the keyword where you wanted to show your ad)
Headline 2
Golden Triangle Tour India
Headline 3
India Travel
Display Path: India Travel/ Tour
Description 1: Golden triangle India tour packages for 6 days and 5 nights.
Description 2: Enjoy India Travel and capture the moment of the golden triangle tour.
8. Confirmation:
9. Continue to confirm and your add is ready to run.