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Crypto Trading Strategies

crypto trading strategies

You know that they're called the Wild West of investing. And there's no denying that cryptocurrencies share some features with real-world frontier towns (high risk, high return, lawlessness). But while they lack governmental oversight, they do have trading strategies that can be tried, tested, and replicated. And most importantly, they won’t financially ruin you if you follow them.

What are these crypto trading strategies? What should you consider before using them? And how can you avoid high risk and low returns? This guide seeks to answer all of these questions so you can increase your chances of financial success in this new market.

1. Crypto Portfolio Diversification

To diversify your portfolio, you have to make sure that you aren't investing too much in one particular coin. This is because the performance of one coin could greatly impact the overall performance of your portfolio.

For example, if Bitcoin falls by 10% while everything else stays the same, then it’d mean that 10% of your entire portfolio was just lost. On the other hand, if every single cryptocurrency fell by 10%, only 1% would be lost.

So, how do you go about diversifying your portfolios? It's quite simple—all you need to do is buy different coins with different market caps and use those as investment vehicles for your funds! This way, you can reduce risk when investing in cryptocurrencies because if one drops significantly (and most likely will), there won't be such a dramatic impact on your total worth because there are others in which you've invested that are performing better than expected at this point in time or perhaps even holding steady during turbulent times like these days.

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2. Cryptocurrency Arbitrage

Crypto arbitrage, in finance, is the simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset in different markets to profit from price differences. It’s a form of trading that many people are starting to use because it can be very profitable if done correctly.

Arbitrage opportunities exist when there are differences in prices for goods between two or more markets. These differences may be caused by transportation costs, taxation, tariffs, currency exchange rates, or other factors that affect supply and demand. In the case of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, these arbitrage opportunities are created by exchanges listing prices at different levels on their websites and apps depending on how quickly they update their pricing data from other exchanges or third-party sources such as news sites.

In this strategy, speed is of the essence. And many traders entrust this ongoing task to bots rather than manually perform the trades themselves.

3. Dollar-Cost Averaging

This is a strategy that allows you to buy cryptocurrencies at intervals, no matter the price. It’s one of the simplest strategies for reducing risk when investing in cryptocurrency, and it works best for low-risk investors.

Dollar-cost averaging involves buying a fixed amount of cryptocurrency at regular intervals, regardless of what the price is at that moment. This can be done with fiat money or by using other investment products like options or futures contracts. The idea behind this strategy is that if the market experiences a dip, then you’ll buy more coins at lower prices; meanwhile, if there are huge gains in value, then your investment will grow slower but with less risk, because there weren't many gains made on short periods (e.g., 1 year).

4. Staking Your Coins

Staking is the process of securing a cryptocurrency network by validating transactions and keeping the network safe for all users. For doing this, stakers are rewarded with new coins by their respective networks. This is why it's called mining with proof-of-stake (PoS).

Staking coins can be a great way to earn passive income, but it’s not always easy to get started in this field. That's because you need an initial investment of at least 25% of your desired annual return on investment (ROI) first—or even more if you want to make sure that your funds remain secure during a bear market.

5. Holding For The Long Term

This is the most basic strategy, and it applies to any asset class. It's important to remember that crypto is a long-term investment, so you should hold your investments for at least one year. If you're not seeing performance within the first year, consider adding more funds (or just be patient).

If you've been waiting several years but have seen no results from your initial investment, try increasing your allocations slightly over time until you see results. This way, if one particular coin doesn't work out for whatever reason (maybe it goes bankrupt or something), then at least some of your other coins will continue to perform well enough for their value against USD/EURO/CNY/etc.


The first thing to know about low-risk crypto trading strategies is that they require patience and discipline. Analyzing the market and making a decision isn't something you can do quickly. It takes time, knowledge, experience, and a lot of research.

That's not to say you shouldn't take risks when investing in cryptos—that's part of the fun! But if your goal is to minimize risk while maximizing returns, then finding opportunities for consistent gains over time will serve you best. Make sure those gains outweigh your losses before moving on to something else.

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